Sunday, May 8, 2011


Tonight well studying my roommate, Liz and myself listened to the musical samplings of our childhood. Including but not limited too, hilary duff, high school musical (Only the first one), and Disney classics. It was a nice little walk down memory lane. Tonight or rather today is Liz's last day at school. It really hasn't hit me yet because I still have three more days until I can blow this popsicle stand.

When people were in high school they were constantly saying, I can't wait for college. The parties, greek life, no rules, extc, extc... but for me I'm excited for life after college. I'm ready for a real job with real prospects and my own apartment. When I finally move out of my parents house I'm going to get a corgi and name him Jackson Pollock. I'm not going to explain who that is for those of you who don't know. If you don't take this opportunity to navigate away from my blog and find him for yourself. But here is a picture of what I want him to look like, a visual reference if you will.

 I love corgi's with their disproportional bodies and pointy ears, it's just pure love in a puppy. Alas this is the only thing that there is to write about tonight. I have my second to last final tomorrow and I need some shut eye. Hopefully after the goodbyes tomorrow I'll think of something witty and profound to write about. But as always no promises.


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